All Seeing

Hey, I wrote that! Cool!

I looked it up before writing this, and it had already been used in Grey's Anatomy. Twice.

I might have downvoted it, but you'll never know

"I'm still relevant!" — Geraldo Rivera

…Fuck. Morgan Freeman nearly destroyed Gotham City! (Ignoring the fact that he made what was essentially a bomb)

Exactly! If that song appears in anything, it isn't going to be a scene at a picnic or a person surviving cancer. There is going to be a breakup and/or a death if that song starts playing.

Would Leslie Knope be able to fill in the pit? So many questions!

You must be new here. D- is much worse than F. Much.

Is the accuser sometimes not the victim? Of course!

As did I. The first season was one of the best seasons that year, in my opinion. But no longer.

I was mostly kidding. But why on Earth would you sit through this shit a second time?

Does anyone remember when someone sent a death threat to Will? Imagine if that comes back in the finale! Then the internet can kill Will too!

Did you watch the episode?

"Fix You", much like "How to Save a Life" and Ray Lamontagne's "Trouble", is what I call a "cheat song." The song will, without fail, drag an emotion out of an audience member because the song makes you feel that way, not the episode. So if there is a scene that should get an emotional reaction, such as a bunch of

That's Morgan Freeman's argument in The Dark Knight. But there it made sense.

Have him talk to the guard about how much better Will is than the working class guard for not giving up a source. It'd be entertaining to see Will beaten at this point.

Thank You!

I predicted that he was fictional, but I never thought about it being GhostDaddy.

It opens with a person asking my opinion about this episode at the start of the first episode, me exploding in reaction, and have to rebuild my show from the ground up with a ragtag crew and a plucky love interest. We'll call it Studio SportsRoom: West. And it will be the greatest show of all time!!!

I was watching this show with my parents, and my mom asked why I was biting my knuckle at the end of the episode. She asked if I was said that Charlie died, to which I said no; I'm pissed. I then went on a five minute tirade of the episode that ended with me screaming "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it