All Seeing

And here, they are referring to characters that only the comic book knowledgeable will know, not intended for the major audience

Oh my Lord.

Best line of the night is from Bullock (again) to the professor— "I hope you die soon, Old Man!" Just as subtle as the character

Charlie Kaufman.
He hasn't made a movie in six years, but I've seen everything else he's made.
And probably Rian Johnson.

And I just realized you probably did that intentionally. Carry on.

You spelt Shawkat wrong.

Please give me proof. I would love to see this happen.

Now that you mention that, I remember reading that too. Ah well, worth a shot.

What if Nyssa killed Sara?

Do you think that Ray could have already become The Atom and not told anybody yet? He developed the technology for personal use, not for heroics yet? That occurred to me that, with what little we know about him, they could whip out the Atom out of no where and make everyone go crazy. No origin, just action.

I bet that a big part of the first half of this season will be Laurel badgering Oliver to train her and him refusing, until about halfway through he realizes she needs the training and complies. That starts to lead to Black Cassidy

And she did both!

Who can tell the difference—was this Levitan or was it Lloyd?

It's so sad to hear that she passed. Although I didn't see her in much, her as Mirage in the Incredibles is one of the best voice performances in a Pixar movie. RIP

John Cleese?

You will never be sober on a tuesday night ever again.

He says here he can do a mile in three seconds. That means that in one minute (60/3) he can do 20 miles. 20 miles * 60 minutes = 1200mph at top speed.

Helen is the greatest character actress on TV. Whenever I'm asked what someone said to me, I have automatically resorted to speaking it in an Ethel voice.

I would have agreed before I saw the Green Lantern movie. The graphics in The Flash are better than they were in that piece of garbage.

Yeah, I saw that. And it was with the guy that played the Green Arrow on Smallville, which was horrible.