Where was he buried? I got a shovel, you can get an ancestry.com kit. We’ll solve this thing tonight at midnight.
Where was he buried? I got a shovel, you can get an ancestry.com kit. We’ll solve this thing tonight at midnight.
a few days ago I saw a white guy in my neighborhood with a “we don’t retreat, we RELOAD” shirt, and in these parts (which is hardcore Trumpistan), that angry caveman attitude and the uncertainty about how many guns he has in black pickup truck unsettles me way more than someone in saggy pants.
a group of young black men think that putting on suits is what it will take for white america to accept them
Still needs 6AA batteries
From what I heard, it all started because Republicans were opposed to desegregation but couldn’t say it aloud, so they decided to make abortion their battleground, because it’s easier to yell “BABIES!” than the N word.
Dude. Cate Blanchett getting cast in an Eli Roth driven Borderlands (aka a garbage fire) would no more grant legitimacy to video game movies than Bob Hoskins did for them in Super Mario Brothers.
Slow clap for the flawless one-two layup
Destiny, a game about promising to do better next time.
We haven’t.
Assuming I understand your implication of “into the bedroom”, the disconnect here is that lingerie isn’t inherently sexual and isn’t exclusively for the benefit of a partner.
Please, don’t do this click-through-seven-damn-pages shit to get to the end of a post.
Never interrupt your opponent when they’re busy making a mistake
One of these is not like the others
The “Genre” side trip actually won me over, from the first Fritz Langian crime thriller homage to Danny Boyle, to as mentioned, The Shining. Okay, Westworld gave us a chuckle. Not sure it had to “mean” anything, I thought it was fun.....Fun isn’t outlawed yet.
We’re using Zoom to replace classroom interactions in my school. We’ve looked into this problem and have solutions that prevent this happening to us.
Thes are the guys who weren’t as famous as Staind.
@Hiero: he was banned because he put Hitler as a nick? Wow, I'M SHOCKED.