The Japanese defense force is kind of terrifying. If the US pulled back it’s forces it would be a matter of months before Japan bombed somebody, I am convinced.
The Japanese defense force is kind of terrifying. If the US pulled back it’s forces it would be a matter of months before Japan bombed somebody, I am convinced.
This is not $20 worth of content.
Oh, don’t worry. We’ll get there, I’m sure.
Nobody commenting on the fiddly switches on the thing?
I wish the U.S. could get 10-20% of that kind of social contract.
That is nuts. I would hate to be a programmer on that game. You’d be literally bumping into the limitations of the CPU register width.
I bought one when it was $40 at gamestop.
I bought one when it was $40 at gamestop.
Even today, games are packaged up as AppX packages (according to some videos I’ve seen that mounted the XBone HDD as a readable filesystem), which means they use several layers of sandboxing. HyperV is used to run several OS instances as well to keep the games separated from the rest of the system.
You have a PS4 don’t you?
See: Transmeta.
Duke Nukem Forever: 2
But seriously, nobody knew about Minecraft Hololens?
Right, in biological terms, fruit means a specific part of the plant (the seed bearing fruit) and vegetable has no specific biological term.
Just kidding guys!
I made no such claim that it won anything. But who knows what pricing will be? Might be surprised.
Well, some of these are sentiments I echoed to the MS folks, when they asked about what it would be useful for. Heavily price dependant.
If it seems to imply that, then you are perceiving it wrong.
Well, much in the same way kinect uses infrared: paired with regular camera for identification of surroundings, mapping bones in people to track gestures, mic for voice activation, etc. Obviously tilt sensors for head tracking. Maybe more stuff still that wasn’t mentioned. Basically every major method in use in the…
Infrared sensors on the actual unit. The real issue is forgetting to turn your hand to match your head turn, which can put your hand out of the field of view.
Infrared sensors in the unit itself that track hand movements. This is OK, but a little tough to remember to move your hand to match your head movements, otherwise you end up with your hand outside the sensor area.