
Lets face it, English was already screwed when the Normans showed up.

I view the first part of your argument as far stronger than the second. And I should be clear that I am wholeheartedly for holding the person who stole the video both criminally and civilly liable for their action.

I dunno, they weren't publishing out and out racists for most of their existence. And overall Gawker has broken bigger stories than Vice ever has.

I didn't realize that Pops Freshenmeyers were legion. This makes me rethink my eschatology…

I've been wondering this for a while now, Pops… do you post at Baseball Think Factory under the same name? Or is there another sports loving Pops Freshenmeyer out there?

Yikes, how did I double post?

Sure, but appellate courts do… and this case is getting appealed. Or if it doesn't get appealed, you think people won't notice you can win cases like this?

Sure, so?

I mean, Greg Howard was just given a David Carr fellowship at the Times just this month, but I'm sure you know exactly what you're talking about.

Adorably? I didn't know you cared enough to scry!

I'll start spelling things your way the minute I'm a refugee coming across your borders after Trump is elected and not a moment sooner!

"The manner in which Gawker obtained the recording (almost certainly for money) raises questions about whether they cared about how the tape was originally procured, or what their own motives in obtaining and publishing it were. That undermines their claim to complete First Amendment protection." - I think this is

It's not my area of expertise either. Your analysis makes pretty good sense to me, though, and I hadn't looked at it that way. I guess it really comes down to the legal standard being used. If you're looking at it under a freedom of the press standard (as I was, and which my admittedly limited understanding believes

Sure, correct in the same way centre is the correct spelling of center.

As pointed out below, I completely forgot that with a bond they have to lay out substantially less money (the poster, whose name I'm blanking on and who I can't scroll down to see because I'm stupidly using Disqus to respond, said 1% was standard so we'd be talking about 500k to secure the bond). Which makes sense,

I defend people's civil rights and also prosecute shitty landlords. I sleep like a baby.

You think the fact that it was Gawker will stop people from using this against an NPR affiliate or the Hartford Courant?

I'm so happy I made you spend that much time defending your self esteem. Because you clearly feel it needs defending.

LOLwut? The National Review was all for segregation because white people > black people.

Thanks for the clarification. This is wildly outside of my area of legal expertise, but I figured the bond would be at most something like a bail bond.