
I cannot criticize this, but chilling the cereal bowl overnight is not for everyone. Some foods, like fresh fruit, often have more flavor once they have warmed up a bit from refrigerator temperatures.

That “fetus” you referenced is a human baby, not yet born. While it does receive all it needs to live from its mother, it is not a parasite. It is not an invasive organism such as a virus, but a life actually produced and eventually released into the world by the mother.  However, if you want to simply send insults my

A baby is not a parasite.

It seems you’ve been triggered.  My apologies.

Go ahead and research the data provided by the article yourself.  The fact that the article was provided by “Conservative Review” does not make its points any less valid, even if it is reflexively dismissed by those who want to further their own narrative.

This article should prove illuminating:

If you look at the actual statistics on crime and criminal justice, it is obvious that the judicial system is not biased against blacks.  Incarceration rates match the profiles of those committing the crimes.

So he shouldn’t be allowed to express his valid opinion?

Yes!! Let’s all protest the terrible conditions of all these major cities, which have been run by Democrats for decades.

My own singing voice has always been lethal.

Cornell’s “All About Birds” site is an excellent source of information, yet very conversational and approachable.

Bernie’s ideas are wrong, and would lead to failure.  Warren’s very similar ideas are no better.

A recent firmware update has also provided this speaker with Airplay2 compatibility, FYI.

A recent firmware update has also provided this speaker with Airplay2 compatibility, FYI.

Agreed, except for the point on public bathrooms. It’s not that “some” are not really sanitary, it’s that ALL of them are unsanitary, even those that look and smell relatively clean.

If it costs only $13, I’m somewhat skeptical that the gauntlet’s Infinity Stones are real.

If it costs only $13, I’m somewhat skeptical that the gauntlet’s Infinity Stones are real.

Note also that Bose sells manufacturer refurbished Soundtouch 10 units on Ebay, currently for $89.95.

Note also that Bose sells manufacturer refurbished Soundtouch 10 units on Ebay, currently for $89.95.

You’re encouraging everyone to vote for a Marxist.

It doesn’t matter how much a college education cost 55 years ago compared to today (though it is the government’s involvement that has allowed tuition to skyrocket). Theft is immoral, and the forcible taking of money from one person to give to another is and always will be wrong.

So, in other words, you do not approve of theft and feel that it would be wrong to steal the fruits of your labor.