
Dude, Todd I'm quitting today as well. Virtual high five. I'm getting drunk as fuck very, very soon.

huh huh, huh huh

Yeah, I like movies for dates. It lets you put in the time without having to do any work.

This guy sounds hilariously awful

No joke, I went to Noah a few months ago and some horrendous slut brought her BABY. To a fucking goddam movie theater. The stupid thing started crying about five minutes in, because movies are LOUD AND SCARY. I turned to her and said "who brings a baby to a theater?" She took the hint and left, thank god. But it

Never apologize for using the phrase "nail driven deep through the dick of my soul"

Seriously, that's like a one second fix.

Mr. Woodcock!

Haha, man I loved Evolution when I was 13. Doubt it holds up, but I choose to maintain my fond memories.

I want to be friends with Viggo. Everything I've heard about him makes him sound like roughly the coolest guy int he world. Also the chillest.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

I dunno man, I tried to read the first of those things, and couldn't get more than 100 pages in. The man's writing style was just excruciating.

Didn't the actor who played Dodgson just get sent to jail for pedophilia or something?

Being serious, I think I heard that he's directing some mid-budget action movie with Nic Cage about mercenaries on the Mexican border. Which sounds fucking awesome.

I'd see that. I thought Predators was pretty good, though I don't really remember how it ends…did Adrian Brody survive?

Stick around (for the post-credits stinger)

Burn After Reading is riotously funny, but it also has someone getting shot point-blank in the face and someone else getting murdered with a hatchet. The Coens care not for movie labels.

Haha, nice photo. Look out! It's garbage!

Haha, this is some major bullshit, isn't it.

Well this looks fucking dumb.