
It is a good boob job.

replicated fact that co-educational environments are detrimental to girls and women

Can you just let us have some men only shit without making it some indictment on the American people?

“ Kasura pointedto numerous studies that have consistently shown that women at women’s colleges academically outperform their co-ed college counterparts.“

That’s the perfect example. There are so many colleges available for men, just like there are many golf clubs open to women. Whoever claims that men should just leave the few women colleges alone has a hard time arguing in favor of opening the few men only golf clubs to women too. That’s the pesky little detail about

Keep your college and we’ll keep our clubhouse at Augusta National.

More like rooster in the hen house.

We don’t want that kind of diversity.

Protest away, but end of the day if you want the college to be a certain way those protests should translate into dollars from your checking account or time spent brown-nosing for money from the endowment donor class, because the model simply isn’t sustainable as it sits right now for most of these colleges.

Funny, how single sex anything turns into a mission, if only the ‘right’ sex is at the center of the mission, otherwise it’s called discrimination.

Where do you live that you don’t have access to birth control?

Every few days I just stop and go “shit. This is real.”

There is no amount of time or Quaaludes that can numb the feelings I have each and every time I’m reminded that this six-foot tall troll doll with flattened hair is the fucking President of the United States.

Secretary of the Interior— HEYOOOOOO!

How DARE you question the sacred narrative of “us” vs “them?” Women and men are uniform collectives, indistinct from one another as individuals, and they must be thought of as such!

Porn has more handsome men than Deen. That being said, he’s only around because women absolutely worship this man. EL James anyone?

breaking news: the entertainment aspect of rape culture celebrates rape...

It’s not just gonzo porn - there are hundreds of testimonies of women in the porn industry about being forced or coerced into acts they didn’t agree to, or having their pain/injury ignored, or being given drugs and alcohol to be able to tolerate a scene. Even “feminist-friendly” porn sites like kink.com have this

I expect more decorum from the porn industry.

Eveyone except Ford are hosts.