*Everyone*, even people with addiction issues have stories they want to take to the grave. And addicts usually also have a fair share of stories they were too fucked up to remember properly. That doesn’t make everything (or anything) Jones said true, but I don’t buy this “he’s an addict, so his kids must have a…
Oh, I didn’t know about this book. Yeah, she needs to stfu if she capitalized on her dad’s sexcapades.
I don’t really get what the big deal is. Compared to some of the rumors/well-known things in both Brando and Pryor’s histories, an age-appropriate coupling with a consenting adult seems pretty tame.
Also, it’s ok that he slept with a trans woman because she presented as female. She seems to take issue with her dad sleeping with straight-up cis men. But his own wife says he was happily bisexual, so I believe her.
I’ve had the same thoughts about all of this. I needed a nail file at my parent’s house recently and spied viagara in the bathroom drawer and it was way more information than I ever wanted about my parents sex life.
The first thing I thought when her post came to light was “Ugh, homophobia again in the black community”.
My second thought was “Mmmm Rain? I am pretty sure you sold your daddy’s sex stories in your own book.”
This is not a good barometer, because it’s very easy for people to charm their way through brief encounters for the sake of their image, and that’s exactly what sociopaths and narcissists do. I absolutely believe that someone like SJP could be super sweet to fans and servers because she only has to see them once and…
No it’s not. Given their history, Cattrall finds a public expression of condolence from her to be insincere. Also, you don’t know them, and all of this ‘feuding’ stems from most of them wanting to make another horrible, racist, silly SATC movie for money and Cattrall has better things to do with her time.
Both Nixon and Garson were already good friends of SJP when the shooting of the series began. So not surprising they’re siding with her.
Eh, I totally lost my shit after my mom died. People handle grief differently and I think that is one thing no one should be judged on.
He raped Ivana and pulled her hair out once because his scalp hurt from scalp surgery. It was a statement given UNDER OATH in a divorce deposition. Pulled out chunks of her hair while raping her.
Insane. There truly is a Trump Tweet for all occasions.
“women are sacred” is only a call to go back to a point where women weren’t allowed to do much. We know that throughout history, women were never viewed as “sacred” let alone people with equal standing.
Of course they knew! And they probably didn’t think there was a problem with him hitting / kicking / strangling his wives. As Jill Wine-Banks mentioned on MSNBC on Wednesday night this is systemic in the administration: 45, Puzder, Porter. She mentioned one other name, I think, but I can’t recall it now. (Like…
I love the Spice Girls, but something about that first photo just cracks me up. It looks like 4 Express store mannequins along with a a glowing, crunchy granola mom who sells essential oils and works part time at the health food store.
I love you, Victoria, but your boobies in that dress are not a good look.
Can Posh and Scary please switch spice names?