
Uma Thurman was brilliant in the Kill Bill films and in her one and only Oscar-nominated role in Pulp Fiction, but it’s a shame so many of her other films have been so mediocre or downright terrible, like The Avengers, Batman & Robin, My Super Ex-Girlfriend and The Producers remake.

Well, that’s disappointing to hear.

Are their people who didn’t love Inglorious Bastards? Certainly no a fan of all his works, but that movie was phenomenal

Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!

If this had been the only time she’d demonstrated her inability to deal with transwomen I’d understand not wanting to label her a TERF but that RuPaul interview where she’s actively spouting TERF lines (the “they don’t have periods/biological sex equates to gender” stuff is very fucking common TERF chatter) and then

Hmm. There’s a lot about how McGowan is approaching this entire thing (Weinstein, her book, her show) that I would do differently. There’s a lot of anger there and a lot of overly-emotional stream of consciousness bilge. She tends to lash out in a super reactionary way to anyone she senses is attacking her, whether

You can really tell the people who’ve ever dealt with any issues of mental illness, either personally or among family members, and those who have no idea.

Then I hope you stay far away from a judgeship.

I have no reply for the other person but there is literally an article on the front page of Jez about Alex Winter talking about how he didn’t even begin working through the trauma of his childhood sexual assault until his 30s. His. 30s. My money is on this poor girl being affected for some time by this. And I second

this whole thing sucks. I read that article (can’t remember where) about this case, no one knew that morgan was schizophrenic because she hid the symptoms, and when she was first incarcerated she didn’t know what the fuck was going on for like almost a year because she was hallucinating and otherwise out of her mind,

You don’t “get better” from psychopathy. She’ll be in therapy and on meds (she has a few other comorbid mental illnesses too, I believe) and, most importantly, unable to deviate from taking meds and going to therapy. After spending most of her lifetime developing these routines, she will hopefully be capable of

wanted to say the same thing but you covered it. I can’t imagine being a child who lives and breathes a sport and know that if I say something, it is my word vs a doctor who can likely end my national career.

I am not looking to victim blame when I ask this but what was the process? These girls were like 12? 14? at the time of abuse did they every say anything? Most sex abusers really groom their kids so they don’t talk about what happens but it doesn’t seem that Nassar did this. Did the girls ever come home and say “man

I heard the description before I saw the video, but I agree with what I heard. It’s nervous laughter. They know he’s serious and don’t really know how to react.

Infuriating. Reminds me of when the Milwaukee police actually handed a young, minority victim of Dahmer’s back to him when he had managed to escape. Dahmer, being white, was able to convince the cops that the hysterical, bleeding boy and he had just had a lovers quarrel.

Not fighting with you, but with all due respect, I can think in at least one scenario where that “mother” should totally have ever kept that kid: she gets the help she needs - and its an obligation of the State to provide! -, hopefuly recovers, and go on becoming a good mother. You call it “insanity”, I call it

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

Tonight we just saw an orange tub of lard play the Hitler card.

I really don't think it's fair to blame this on "the Internet," though. Slender Man is basically just a story told around a digital campfire [wheeze at my own cliches]. As people are pointing out elsewhere in the comments, it's like Bloody Mary or the Boogieman, but disseminated online. Like I said, maybe they were