
I think Jill Stein voters might just be sent by God to usher in the end times. Between throwing an election to an anti-christ esque authoritarian and bringing forth plagues, the evidence is piling up! #Jesus/Stein2020!

There goes another one of my dreams... Good job 2016!

“You can be grateful that he wore a condom.”

“My comment was not intended to be racist at all”

Just a crazy out-of-the-ballpark idea, but maybe she’s resigning because she can’t bring herself to serve under a vile, sexual assaulting, orange misogynist? She took one look at Trump and...

Can we just stop it with the live action remakes of classic Disney movies? I mean one or two were an interesting and novel idea but do we really need to remake every movie in their catalog? Idk but in my opinion a live action Little Mermaid would be just horribly weird to see, let alone a Lion King rendition.

Don’t forget about the glorious Latrice Royale! Though Katya is epicly wonderful, Latrice will always have a special place in my heart.

I think this pretty accurately sums up how I feel right about now.

Oh so you are “saddened” that all of these people are doing exactly what you incited them to do?

Yes let’s reward “locker room talk” (read:encouraging and enabling sexual assault) with a career boost...