
well shit. Looks like i'll be going to see this. I figured it would look like crap but it at least looks like it's on par with the Charlize Theron Snow White (which would have been AMAZING had it not casted the mouth breather as snow white). It's easily a drive in watch (love our drive in. two movies for 8 bucks.

I had no interest in this until yesterday, when I saw that it was written by Paul Dini - now it has my interest.

I'd like to avoid the Peeta bread.

This must be what going mad feels like...

I feel like there's two groups of people. Those that think the Hobbit movies should have a lighthearted tone like the book and those that think it should be more serious to fit in better with the LOTR flicks.

For Sale: Baby skin, never worn.

And yet, it could still make more facial expressions than Kristen Stewart. . .


Don't be sad, be proud!

Do I really need to say why? It's a masterpiece. It's why we have zombie films. So much to love about this film. Do yourself a favor just see it.

Sam would like to have a word with Michael.....

True! BUT as a Watcher he was pretty on-point.

Because, y'know, science and stuff.

I'll see myself out....

Meanwhile, At Warner Bros...

A few of the studies on adipocere looked at pig adipose tissue, and how that developed wax under the right conditions.

How about any of Guillermo Del Toro's magical realism movies? The reality is worse than the nightmare fanstasy world that lurks just in the shadows. In fact, when they're over, it's unclear if any of the fantasy stuff actually happened, or if it was just a child's imagination to escape how horrible the real world is.

This abomination that they were able to call it I Am Legend. The book though is perfect for this topic though.