
If it still causes you problems, try PathFinder. It's quite a bit more $$, but I think it offers a fair amount of funtionality for the price. They give you 30 days to try it before asking you to pony up the cash.

Ok, since we're tossing our bag preferences out there, I'd like to acknowledge Tom Bihn bags — stylish, hard-wearing, comfortable and Made In Amerika. Woot! They're found at .. wait for it.. []

Noooo, I think he actually has someone IN his closet...

Interestingly, Fedora was the ONLY OS I was able to stick on my Lenovo S205.. and I tried at least 6 different linux iterations (Hackintoshing failed 3x).

Want to give more props to the Baen Free Library; I never bought their books (the cover art mostly turned me off, actually), but they have put a LOT of books out for free and I've found them to be better — in some cases WAY better — than I'd've hoped for. As Baen had hoped, I've bought the rest of many series whose

Ah, yes, of course.. the Dickhead solution.

They do. Unfortunately, Apple's using IIS-based servers, and we all know how weak THEY are...

Ditto for either, although Peppermint is intended to be a web-integrated OS: many links to google apps, for example, and not many installed Big Apps.

The freaking Lenovos come with a SHITLOAD of bloatware. Unfortunately, y'can't just wipe it all off or you lose a lot of the drivers that you need for things like the touchscreens (we collect data from users via that) and wifi/etc.

I know many an IT professional who mourns the death of the 12" MBP.

Sure, then these enterprising parents can sell them again and again!

Does that mean we won't have to read your inane comments, then, either?

Way to offer insightful, reasoned, supported commentary. Next time, just scream FIRST and let us ignore you from the get-go, ok?

And better mirrors than CDs for those unfortunate enough to sit with their backs to the door.

I'll bite: what would you like to see that'd be a drastic change/improvement? Or are you merely into change for the sake of change (which, frankly, is what I see Microsoft's move to Ribbonize everything as).

And, actually, you couldn't upgrade from XP to 7. You had to wipe and reinstall 7. And everything else you wanted on the machine. Easy? Sure. Quick? No.

Caffeine for mac — empty coffee cup? Computer will sleep on schedule. Click the empty cup and it fills: computer now won't sleep for the period you'd previously defined. And it's freeee!

Have a 'wide stance', do ya?

Nonono, when Scalia said that he was fully capable of remaining unconflicted in the case vs. Cheney (over his energy policy meeting records) despite having gone on several expense-paid hunting trips with him (why couldn't a drunk Cheney have shot HIM in the face?), THAT was the sign "judicial objectivity" has become

Make sure you mix up your loads; I favor 2 hollowpoint, 2 jacketed, 2 hollowpoint, etc. This way I can punch a few rounds through doors and cars and the like, then hit a body for maximum impact. Or, if firing inside a building, you know which rounds are likely to rip through 3 successive apartments. And a short