I think it's sad that my first thought was, "well, if they put one of these in (pick one) LA/NYC/Boston/Chicago/etc, it'd be a great place for muggers to hang out...
I think it's sad that my first thought was, "well, if they put one of these in (pick one) LA/NYC/Boston/Chicago/etc, it'd be a great place for muggers to hang out...
@BeakerTronics: They're fine for mellow stuff, but metal just shreds them.
@Prairie Moon: I couldn't believe that, so checked. I'm agog that was perceived as Dutch.
@zyberteq: Nah. I have to use these in a virtual machine to create USBs on m'mac.
@debu: Good heavens, how I adore AwesomeNote. Especially now that it has Evernote & Googledocs integration.
@Styyl: All of your images are belong to us?
@InklingBooks: While it won't answer your iPad question, Zoho's Notebook feature is very OneNote-ish and has added benefit of being whereever you have net access.
@vitamincm: Launchy is fine... as a launcher. It doesn't do the myriad other interactions that Quicksilver allows.
@jupiterthunder: It did?
Good list.
@djmashedman: Yet nowhere NEAR as configurable, which means you're left with these godawful huge notifications that pop up.
@franco1975 [Troll ]: I imagine y'need the black to maximize sun-attraction.
@PsychoSuperman: Firstborn is singular, so 'they' is incorrect.
@Not sent from my iPad due to drowning in oil :(: But it doesn't work with Safari or IE, no? And then we'd not've had the chance to see the panties as that whole bit woulda been mooted...
Two apps and a widget I put on every mac I configure:
Ironman Florida requires wetsuits to protect the athletes vs the jellyfish; we had to buy a whole new suit for my wife 'cause her previous 'suit was sleeveless.
@podspawn: Definitely don't want to get stung by a Hawaiian.
@LessIsMore: Props.
@orchidellia: an' feel so nice on your leggggsss!