
To ensure your laces don't come untied while remaining able to untie with a simple tug, merely do the "around the thumb" loop TWICE.

@TadGhostal: Not sure I agree with you, here.

@Terry: Snarky, but spot on.

@Terry: really? my Apple ][c ROCKS.

Just a note to say that a user I support was nailed by the Malware Defender virus/trojan/malware crud, Friday. It took waaay too long to find and remove everything that'd self-installed and what finally saved me was the "Computer Repair Utility Kit v2", a truly impressive suite of tools (NOTE: AV software will trigger

@AdamW: I have and have the same problem. It's INSANE what I get: bank statements, shipping & airline confirmation, party rental setup info, JOB FOLLOWUPs, etc.

@Prairie Moon: While I concur the "get a mac/install Linux" often is, in this instance I don't agree: netbooks really DO benefit from a sleek linux install. It's frequently faster, lighter, lower on bloat and therefore easier on battery life than any Win product.

@ruffus910: And as a bonus, 1gb of RAM on an xUbu install is all you need: my EEE rarely goes above 500mb with several apps and a FF with upwards of 10 tabs open.

@McGoogles: "These are not the optimizations you were looking for..."

@Mr-Supes: What are you, some sorta HEATHEN?

@dexter_greycells: Ah, but then you're really shorting yourself. At the more interesting restaurants, appetizers allow you to taste/experience far more of the menu than you would/will if you merely order an entree. Yes, ordering 3 apps will cost you more than one entree, but you're much more likely to enjoy the meal.

@orlo: "We're going to need a lot more sucking up, here."

@Jake712: gimme a site, I wanna run Dillo and Lynx at it...

@NINE: MMmm, no, I can see that in terms of how they open new docs/apps in other tabs; this can, however, be a boon, to only open Writer if it's all you need and not have to deal with all the desktop items just to do a bit of note-jotting-down.

No love for Zoho?

@The Dude: right, right.. good calls on both. Of course, it would've made my decision MUCH more difficult...

Quicksilver got my vote, but the revisions to Thunderbird make it a truly wonderful email app, one enjoyable to use and not just a grim-looking tool.

Anyone know if this works with Postbox?