What? What does ‘no one is a victim but you’ even mean? Nothing I said has anything to do with anything like that.
What? What does ‘no one is a victim but you’ even mean? Nothing I said has anything to do with anything like that.
Uh, what? I didn’t say it’s cool. In fact I also said in this thread that the woman who did this should be tortured and executed. People should know that if you do this and you lose the lotto and this happens, you’re fucked.
No, not trying. Drunk driving is reckless and morally shitty, but hey, guess what - when you make the decision to do it, you’re fucking DRUNK. So your moral culpability automatically goes way down. Plus you’re still not intentionally trying to harm people. Negligence that leads to someone dying is a lot different…
That 25 year old female creature should be tortured for the next ten years. Then executed on television.
That is the most pedantic fucking unnecessary useless reply I’ve ever seen. Do you really think I was counting officially sanctioned mercs as terrorists rather than members of militaries? Fuck you.
If you’re not in a military and you’re ‘making war’ you are a terrorist.
PC liberals are the fucking devil, man. You seriously used ‘differently-minded’ as an insult. Like not adhering slavishly to PC orthodoxy is suspicious and wrong. You’re a fucking scumbag.
Terrorism isn’t war. War involves two or more military forces. Terrorism is against civilians.
Yea, terrorist attacks in airports where a bunch of people get massacred are super realistic. Since shit like that happens all the time. As opposed to literally never even once ever, anywhere, ever.
Also, big thanks to the Cubs for using her in the most highly visible position in literally half the playoff innings at Wrigley. This despite it being her first year and despite there being several other ballpeople. They know exactly what’s up.
Lifelong Cubs fan and I wasn’t sad. You know why not? Cause I shelled out the extra $5 for postseasontv on MLB’s site. The thing that lets you watch the game from whatever camera angles you want at any time. You know what I used it for? As a private ballgirl cam. And I saved the whole thing. The only people in the…
You have terrible taste. Phantom Menace was boring and flawed but it was a real movie. It was a legitimate effort to make a Star Wars movie. It was operatic and extremely well-designed and well-made. As a silent film it would be a masterpiece.
You know you’re on the retarded Gawker network when the first two criticisms of The Phantom Menace are that it was anti-PC and engaged in stereotypes.
You know you’re on the retarded Gawker network when the first two criticisms of The Phantom Menace are that it was anti-PC and engaged in stereotypes.
I’ve mentioned her before, but I’d just like to thank the Cubs brass for their awesome decision to use the huge assed ballgirl in both games.
0/10. Incomprehensible and boring. I also always give honest ratings.
Wow. Are there really people out there who think everyone tells the truth all the time? Of course he had to say that. He can’t very well say they were frustrated at getting destroyed, so they acted out. Dumb fuck.
Wow. Are there really people out there who think everyone tells the truth all the time? Of course he had to say that. He can’t very well say they were frustrated at getting destroyed, so they acted out.
I will not be rooting for these guys or their scumbag fans, thanks. I’m a Cubs fan and KC came to Wrigley this year and it was the single most obnoxious group of opposing fans I’ve ever seen. The two most annoying fanbases in MLB are both from Missouri.