
Getting angry works for straight white males, I assure you, it doesn't work for black men or really, anybody else for that matter

I choose not to worry about stuff like this. “They” (whoever is listening) are obsessed with listening. Whether its through phones, TVs, computers, tablets I feel like if I allow myself to be concerned about this I won’t have anything! 

It’s the same thing with Kanyes “Free thinker” bullshit. Cause you’re only a free thinker if you’re anti democrat

Good fuck that guy

They are talking about impeaching Hillary now and she’s not even President or in office

Avengers Endgame would strongly disagree with him on this take.

I think when you see the size of that paycheck you’d change your mind. Paul Rudd made 1.5 million for Ant Man. That’s basically my salary for the next 30 years.

Jesus. They are so tone deaf it’s sad.

Thanks Jay Z!

If by “he doesn’t want to play” people mean...he doesn’t want to play by the NFLs archaic fucked up rules you are right. Rapists, abusers, and guys who have literally killed people have been allowed to play in the league...Kaep did nothing wrong and has been shunned. This should never have been an issue if what the

I agree with this and even with R. Kelly...I already have all the R Kelly music i’m ever going to listen to, it’s already downloaded. I don’t stream his music, don’t watch his videos on youtube or anywhere else, I don’t even listen to the radio at all, don’t attend his concerts don’t buy his merchandise...If R. Kelly

First off I hate Scotch, i’m a bourbon man myself. My rule of thumb is this when it comes to alcoholic beverages ($25 or less)

This is always a funny subject for me because I date white women, not just white women i date everyone, but mostly, black women have shown no interest in me...and yet, that’s my preference, not really much I can do but continue trying to meet people, it is what it is. However I would NEVER fix my face to say some

agreed. He’s been shit on for years. People have been zealous when the Steelers lose or fuck up that he sucks...yet It seems to be quiet now without AB, Bell, JuJu in and out of the lineup, Conner in and out of the lineup, a third string QB, they started 1-4, at worst if they fizzle out they will go 8-8 but I don’t

hahaha yeah it was split down the middle with my friends half liked it half didn’t. But I thought it helped make sense of some of the ridiculousness in Wanda history like marrying an Android and having kids with said Android, it had some great moments, She hulk going nuts, Hawkeye dying, plus it led to the excellent

in your opinion. Disassembled was great to me, would love to see that put on screen 

For me the support (or lack thereof) of Kamala vs the support of Buttigeig/Biden etc are not mutually exclusive. I had problems with Kamala, and I also have problems with Biden and Mayor Pete, who are both non starters for me in terms of supporting them to the democratic nomination, but she is the one who quit, and

Oh that was clearly a shots fired moment. He knew what he was doing. Another reason (among many) not to fuck with Bloomberg did they even meet?

Gabrielle Union can do no wrong in my eyes and I will fight anybody for her honor including DWade and that’s my nigga. I repeat this all the time, don’t fuck this up Dwyane, keep it in your pants my dude.