
Yes, and this is why I don’t get all the hate re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle having DLC to unlock the rest of the character roster. All those vlogs about “I HAVE TO PAY TO GET BLAKE AND YANG!?!?!? BOYCOTT ARCSYSTEMWORKS” is getting old very quickly. Just pay the $60.

  • ZERO GUNNER 2 — Switch

I read the original Japanese text, here:

Kawaguchiko! Stayed there in March two years ago. One can get there by bus from Shinjuku station or by a series of trains.

Straight from Marcus Smart’s flopbook:

This too:

No, both are BLAZIN’ DYNAMO!

Hmm.... this engine reminds me of this:

I thought that phrase was trademarked by E.L. James.

The way the light goes through Nora’s hair reminds me of the Sister Ray in Final Fantasy VII andJehuty in Zone of the Enders.

Now playing

The only proper response to this is: “friggin smartass.”

Dracula already spoiled that answer as “a miserable pile.”

Yes, we do. Check out the NX’s center console:

“I’m eel, not sick.” -Lil Wayne

Careful, she could very well be Agent 47 in disguise.

Good job Xiaohai

Midorima can.