Gwen Ihnat

Mine was the one in the bottom right corner, where she's sitting on the bed.

Was the football game against Wossamotta U rigged? In how many different ways?

I will talk about Bullwinkle ANY TIME, sir.

aha, good point

I remember that book! It was indeed hilarious.

Also from her Tumblr: "If you say a word against Family Circus to me if I’ve had a few drinks I will slug you so hard."

I don't suppose there's a picture?

I absolutely maintain that Pyromania holds up (I karaoke a lot of songs from that record). The rest, not as much, especially after Steve Clark died.

Or 1970s southwest side of Chicago Catholic grade school. Many yardsticks were broken across backsides.

It's funnier if you watch the Beyonce versions before the Titus versions of "Hold Up" and "Sorry." Then you can see how much he's mimicking her perfectly. It's amazing.

Oh my god, I totally laughed

I know. Meanwhile, Nickelback records go quadruple platinum.

I saw lots of different numbers: 50, 54, and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation said 18. I don't think anyone really knows for sure.

Very interesting, thank you!

I think it's also, "If something's too good to be true, it probably is." Apparently Madoff's graphs in his statements on rates of return were always an impossible 45-degree angle headed straight up. But also, the movie has some stories about funds that invested with him, so the people who invested in those funds lost

Yeah, Shonda must have really liked her.

that's the one

I swear because people are so used to watching TV at home all the time, they now just talk and talk in the movie theater with their pals. I hate it so much, it's so distracting. When we took the family to see Rogue One, I eventually got so fed up with the Star Wars theorists behind us that I yelled at/pleaded with

Yeah, so did I. They're not exactly hidden. I don't usually get into it down here with commenters, so I will only say this: It's S.E. Hinton's story and characters to interpret. Not yours, or ours. If people are fan-fictioning a Dally and Johnny romance, her response is that she didn't write it that way. That's it.

All I remember is Matt Dillon saying, "Smell that? Smells like America." Proof that I would see Andrew McCarthy in literally anything.