
This is some pretty thin shit, lol. Pushed for his character to date a diverse range of women he can only think of people in relation to himself and not as autonomous beings?

The Fire Tv control app is hot garbage. Swipe to move the cursor or make a selection? What a joke. I swear they made the app hard to use so you pony up the 25 bucks or whatever when your physical remote inevitably dies.

It is relatively smart compared to other stuff in my home. I mean I tell the refrigerator to make me a sandwich and it just sits there, doesn’t even turn on its light.

If this is your concern, then oh boy do I have something to tell you about that phone in your pocket.

You’ll be shocked to learn people at your insurance company, electric company, cable company, dentists office and more know your name, address, and phone number as well. 

Those... are super-edge cases.

And that thing I bought to always listen to me is always listening to me?! This is an outrage.

They also know what you buy.

Tomorrow on Kinja-deals:

shit. you’re telling me amazon has my address?