
I don’t understand how drivers complain about working for Uber, but accepted those conditions when they decided to work for Uber. First it was wanting full time benefits even though they knew they didn’t get it being a contractor and now complaining about tips when knowing that Uber doesn’t encourage it.

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Here’s the original SNL video for all of those interested.

Vinnie’s got nothing on TacoTown:

But the hand dryers give you bacon.

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Probably about like this (my favorite video, BTW, for giving context to assured archaeological proclamations about ancient history):

I would think Threepio is a more likely narrator since he’s a pretty captivating storyteller as we see in ROTJ. I know he says he isn’t very good at telling stories, but that was clearly a lie to get Luke to stop asking too many questions back on Tattooine. And, I know he apparently got his memory erased after episode

If it’s what Lucas thinks, is it really just a theory?

Now here’s Kirk Alyn and Noel Neill.

I am pretty sure unseen bearded random sky god invented Time. Then some unsung hero invented the clock. The rest as they say ...

No, actually we call them CLOCKS.

The word is “image macro” you 12 year old. “meme” does not apply to anything intended to be funny.

What a bunch of mopey empty nesters.

Er. I know you’re an outside looking in ... but this isn’t how memes work.

Was... was that... I’m not sure... You know what? I’m gonna give it to you.

Or he just said ‘that is your sister’ once, and every subsequent beep is just ‘ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww’

I really hate this episode. It’s really stupid how the show just had to have Alex go back to National City to be a hinder on Martian Manhunter, and then get taken control to fight Supergirl.

Second fastest person in the world, can lift an airplane. Let co-worker die. Guess we know she was never on the christmas list.

The HTC 10, like the M9, M8, M7, and Metc before it, looks a lot like an iPhone