
“Master Yoda, I’ve always wondered... what do you and Master Yaddle call your own race of people?”

That’s very similar to what my wife does... She doesn’t use Twitter, so she scrolls through some other apps, but it’s the same kind of concept—she feels that the ~15 minutes she spends scrolling through her phone while in bed helps to fully wake her up.

Since breakfast has proven to be not strictly necessary, and I don’t have a habit of eating breakfast, if I follow the advice in the title, I will never check my phone.

Semi-arbitrary merit, but still merit, nonetheless.

But then, how will kids play with water balloons?

It give reasoning as to why they’d be late, when they (presumably) otherwise wouldn’t.

I thought this was common knowledge...

Yeah, it would be much better to specify which devices these instructions are for... I, too, thought it was talking about all Android devices with Pie installed.

Point is, if we see books in your living room, we know you’re full of shit.

Also sad and lame: assuming I have books to impress others.

“...are looking for a threesome.”

What number am I thinking of?

I’d prefer just the part with Winona Ryder, and nothing else, thank you very much.

Wait, are you saying that Barbra Streisand didn’t turn into a giant mechanical monster? You gotta be outta yo’ mind!

Exactly! My first thought was, “Where do you find rent that cheap?”

Exactly! My first thought was, “Where do you find rent that cheap?”