The version of Gboard available to you will vary by device... so maybe your phone already has 7.5 available.
I think they probably only decided to try it because it was late at night, so the streets would be mostly empty, and businesses closed.
Just out of curiosity, and for the sake of my own edification, you’re saying that you’re from Alberta, is that Alberta, Canada? Or somewhere in the US?
Five stars. Will read again.
I spend about five minutes the night before prepping the meat and the immersion circulator, then about three hours before I leave work, I open up the app on my phone to turn it on. By the time I get home, the water has reached the optimal temperature for 2 hours, as has the internal temperature of the meat. Then it…
The author is asking me to trust the commercial food supply line to remain disease free. Which it will until it’s not.
Don’t you mean farts in the wind?
Would Turkleton be acceptable?
As they say, silence implies consent... so I think you’re good.
The second letter writer, HMHT...
I think the only part of Tyler Durden’s speeches (from the movie, never read the book) that makes sense to me is, “You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You’re not your fucking khakies.”
Based on what’s been described on how OKCupid works, I think both sides are at fault.