With my luck (and lack of dexterity), my chair will fall over before I get a chance to climb below it.
With my luck (and lack of dexterity), my chair will fall over before I get a chance to climb below it.
Droid Turbo 2's “TurboCharge” is just their name for Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 2.0 technology, which is built into the Qualcomm chip that’s installed in the phone.
In Chinese, the name is 巴铁, which is pronounced Bā Tiě. I think that name literally means “Iron Bar” in Chinese.
Yes, use “such as” as much as possible. What could go wrong?
Looks like something hatched out of that phone...
Too many Pokemon references on Kotaku, maybe...?
There’s a Chrome Extension for that.
All of the Asian rice eating cultures I know of use rice cookers. I grew up with rice cookers in every household. Many restaurants use them. I have friends who visit the US from mainland China for business, and guess what they’ve got in their kitchens? Rice cookers.
As it should be.
Google: You must run really fast!
41 here, and lived in Taiwan until age 11... First big international news that I can think of would be either the AIDS epidemic, or the African famine relief effort with the song, “We Are the World.”
Clearly, when buying a gift for your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate, there’s only one thing you can get...
SN - Who the fcuk put Charles in charge (SEE WHAT I DID??) of creating top-5 lists? He probably oughta shut his fat ass up.
She’s not really a press secretary... Trump must have taken Lewis Black’s idea.
Was thinking about looking for and posting this video. Then I saw your post. Starred.