
It’s been a while so my memory is spotty, but wasn’t she being brought up on ethics charges and just didn’t want to deal with it anymore? I believe around that time, she bailed. I’m sure the Fox News and reality show gigs cushioned the landing.

Hot take: Why are you wasting your time on this site instead of saving Syrian children or, working with the homeless wherever you live, right this very second?

So I don’t think Kellyanna Conway deserves anything but contempt mixed with wariness at her magical powers at shopping Trump’s awful policies. I’m opposed to memes based on her looks or jokes about her on her knees I need the Oval Office for two reasons: (1) I don’t want any women mocked for their appearance or called

Page is the smegma at the the tip of the spear.

I saw him on All In with Chris Hayes last night. The guy looked guilty as sin. As in espionage for Russia level guilty.

Oh.My.God! I wanted to jump in the TV and smack that smug, shit-eating grin off Carter Page’s arrogant face when he was on Chris Hayes last night. What a prize he’ll make in cell block 8!

Now playing

I deeply appreciate Nixon’s earnest attempt to read this swill as actual scholarship. He’s taking the hit for the team.

This isn’t the first time a gun rights advocate has “accidentally” brought a gun to the airport because they grabbed the wrong bag. If you don’t know where your guns are — that’s a fucking problem and you’re an irresponsible gun owner.

When the shit goes down you don’t want a Criminal Lawyer. You want a CRIMINAL lawyer

Further: LOTS of states with major HS wrestling programs don’t segregate by gender, and it’s honestly not really an issue. You weigh in, you wrestle the person across the mat from you, and the person who wins is the person who’s better. This shouldn’t be complicated.

Always a pleasure to share the Schadenfreude.

That call is really hair-raising. Michael Smith does an excellent job of trying to keep him on track. Despite Smith himself being a Trump voter, it’s highly satisfying to hear an actual intelligence expert take Gorka apart. The guy is the worst bag of stale inflated self-important hot air.

You... you don’t think deliberately outing an undercover agent is a crime? Are you unfamiliar with the laws of our (well, I’m guessing just my) country?

They don’t have a leg to stand on. Scooter Libby, was Dick Cheney’s Assistant National Security Advisor. He outed a CIA operative to the press. Then lied about it and tried to cover it up. When he was finally caught he was convicted and sentenced to 30 months in jail, of which he spent less than 30 days. Bush

The very sobre BBC Radio 4 Today program just had a long discussion, essentially concluding that on the balance of probabilities Trump is, in fact, a compromised Russian agent.

“No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!”

*taps nose*