You should be reading Thos. Rid’s Twitter feed... the BBC reports there are multiple sources for the kompromat story other than the xMI6 agent.
You should be reading Thos. Rid’s Twitter feed... the BBC reports there are multiple sources for the kompromat story other than the xMI6 agent.
I remember when the pastor decided our (Lutheran) congregation would, during that particular part of the service, share the peace by shaking hands with the folks sitting on either side of us rather than by just saying “Peace be with you” or “And also with you.” While some people had gone to the same church with each…
Can confirm. Grew up near where your friend’s farm is, the home of Bolthouse and Grimmway farms— baby carrots are a marketing ploy.
Feel free to bloviate about your opinions, but with each word you show more and more that you have nothing worthwhile to offer in terms of art criticism.
I envy you your inlaws! <And now I know what I will have for brekkie tomorrow> May the forks (or chopsticks) be with you....
I like moon cakes (lotus paste hellooooo!), but am a big fan of the dan tats, if they are done right. I’ve done extensive reasearch and, to my taste, Hollywood bakery in San Francisco has some that are lovely, as well as Cherryblossom and Alex’s Bakery in the Richmond district.