G Voll the Mole

Lady at work says to me a few years ago

It can sometimes feel like a pretty lonely road. But Aaron Sorkin has this quote—I’m a pretty big Sorkin fan—

@ $175k you live paycheck to paycheck in NYC

What happened to the good ‘ol days where you found out your son had a small penis when he bought a sports car or giant truck?

Now playing

very good SNL sketch about this phenomenon:

I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.

That’s what I thought, until I read these letters. Or do they go to good schools but spend their time stroking horses instead of going to class? I’m frankly shocked that the average outraged equestrian’s grammar is notably worse than that of the average outraged Cardinals fan.

Sure, they went to good schools. But judging by the collective command of the English language, they didn’t really LEARN anything at those schools.

As a Red Sox fan, I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the fact that Coco fucking Crisp is still in the league.

I was just in it for the pun, not the swift death. Chill.

It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.

1) Don’t live in Europe.

I believe LeBron James completely gave up in that Game 6 loss against the Celtics.

ObscureSimpsonsReference is complaining about not understanding non-obtuse video game references.

Too soon?

Me: Yay!

Jesus fuck, Tim.

That bull is getting laid tonight. Never will have to buy a drink at the bar ever again.

leaving this here

The most American thing someone can do is to leave a baseball game early.