
I blame Snake Plissken!

“ he did making sure his wife keeps working.”

Paul W.S. Anderson is good at one thing: making self-indulgent video game movies with pretty big cult followings working ridiculously cheap, being one of the biggest yes-men in Hollywood and bending over backwards to do exactly what the producers/studio want regardless of whether it’s good for the film or not.


The video is a 46 minute interview with Paul W.S. Anderson, with about 20 seconds of movie footage at the 42:08 mark. It’s pretty impressive, but personally, I don’t want to listen to Paul W.S. Anderson for 40 minutes. Just skip ahead for the clip.

Because when the shit hits the fan, you have more payment flexibility. Because used car financing is not that cheap.
Because investment returns are not guaranteed, but interest avoidance is. Because jobs aren’t forever. Because being able to sleep at night has value. Shall I go on?

Holy fuck Mr. Gladiator-Guy. Who the hell thought $650 a month for a lease was a good deal? And how the hell are you still paying $452 a month with three years left on a five year old Miata.

I’ll never understand how imitation suede became a luxury item.

I will never understand the appeal of alcantara. Proper leather or cloth. That’s it.

Or better yet throw it in the trash where it belongs.

I thought about posting that version since it’s WAAAAY better than the current car, but an aftermarket solution will always be second rate compared to Aston actually fixing their design.

This is the right idea. Fixes almost all the car’s styling issues, makes it loads classier:

The interior of this thing (touched upon in that Road and Track Instagram post you linked to) is truly hideous. You don’t go full alcantara- it makes the interior look like it is covered in rat fur. Use it for accent.

I can just see it:

“You’re a wizard, Peter.”
“No, I just thought those books were funny.” 

Oh, cool! Can’t wait to see the list.”

I found out a bit ago...if you have your browser non-maximized, then narrow it down enough...the slideshow page turns into a normal scrolling page.  Really useful, and saves clicking!

Shout out to James for not making this a slideshow. You da real MVP.

Came for this. Such a good album.

In a straight line 1/4 of a mile at a time only