this game keeps getting interesting except for the whole ‘No word on a Western release’ thing
Or even more simply as: out of touch.
GOG Galaxy definitely feels like a beta — has anyone tried to add friends yet? — but I already love it. Out of principle, if nothing else, I’ve supported GOG over Steam. I like their philosophy more than Valve’s, and all else being equal, I’d rather support the service that’s not the big dog.
for windows , linux and macadamia
Answering backwards. The baggage was - we’ll never let someone else make the game on our behalf ever again. We need direct involvement. Which meant they were the writing & creative direction team for Stick of Truth, and honestly - working with them was a dream. My current game is a black comedy, so just being exposed…
I just hate having to wait for a cow to be butchered into steaks and then have to wait for a master chef to season an marinade it, then cook it to a buttery perfection..... Because I'm just a savage caveman.
Remind me again why we should go completely digital with our games?
Given how long it has taken them to get this far I’d be hesitant to give them money without some sort of ETA. At least have some sort of simple timeline of goals that you hope to achieve in order to get the project done.
Just buy a PC.
Ah, as always, the internet finds SOMETHING to be offended by. It’s a joke, not a particularly funny one but I hardly see anything worth getting upset over.
Making fun of rape. Because we all know Hotline Miami is a light-hearted romp through a whimsical tale presented in a comedic format. Definitely not a dark and twisted tale of the worst side of humanity.
...not Total WAAAAGH! ?
Opportunity lost, gentlemen
I want THIS Max Payne to come back...
Nice to see that happening, but Valve failed in the communication department.
You know, I'm still surprised that this caused a controversy at all. I mean, how many civilians do people kill in GTA? Or in Saints Row? Or in Spec Ops? What makes this game any different? Or is this just creating a controversy because people are having as inconsistent of standards as Valve?
Far Cry 3 turned out pretty good for a delayed game! Hopefully Watch Dogs will, too.