Just gonna say my friend made a game published by Ratalaika, I’m curious if she got 1,000 points from his game.
Just gonna say my friend made a game published by Ratalaika, I’m curious if she got 1,000 points from his game.
I will! =D
Yup I ordered the RE7 Gold Edition! It’s why it’s taking so long to ship. The North American copies were weirdly pricey (like 50-something dollars) whereas a British copy is $27 CAD. I have every intention on playing Astro Bot, next time I’ve got a good bit of time to try a game I’ll boot it up.
I also liked the Rick and Morty game, forgot about it.
I got Battlefront when I got my PS4 and the only reason I leave it installed is for the X-Wing mission!
K yo, I bought Half-Life Alyx, it’s installed on my PC.
I’ll play it! It’s sitting installed on my PS4, I was thinking of booting it up this past weekend but ended up playing something else. I’ll give it a shot!
I bought a PSVR in 2017,
Yup! Fortnite started as a paid zombie-survival game that was announced as the first UE4 game in... 2012? 2014? Something like that.
I just watched the trailer, yup that’s certainly Crysis 1.
I still prefer my PSVR to my Oculus Rift (CV1). I just find the PSVR really comfortable and easy to setup + start.
I borrowed a copy of Swapmagic from a friend that included an ELF loader in it, using that ELF loader I could install FreeMcBoot.
... I wasn’t even saying it as a concern. I’m kind of a console - hacking enthusiast.
Oh man did you have to patch the ISO first? Now that you mention it, yeah I do kinda remember doing that! Completely forgot about it.
Man I remember installing FreeMCBoot on my PS2 memory card, had to borrow a friend’s swapmagic disc to do it.
Hey Mike, quick correction, the N Sane Trilogy was developed by Vicarious Visions.
True say!
Super sample down to native resolution when using the handheld. There's also homebrew apps to output the handheld's video and use it like a Vita TV. 🙂
Fun fact, someone released a hack for the Vita version this week to run it at 720p and even 1080p.
I didn’t mean 8/10 is mixed, I was just mentioning Gamespot didn’t give it a 6.
I haven’t been checking review scores but I wouldn’t be shocked if TLOU2 isn’t as universally praised as the original, public interests have shifted in the past seven years. I know personally my tastes in games have changed.