So even without the surge it would have been nearly a $100 USD ride.
Without the surge system prices may be lower but wait times would be way higher. It would be the same thing but...
No, it’s basic economics. Surge is not just about demand, its about the ratio of demand to supply.
Do they? I have no idea. Is this written? Is it in a place where prostitution is legal?
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.
With(out) respect, screw you and screw everyone who insists on making this more about a racial issue than a cop believing his station will make him immune and abusing his power. Do you think this is the first time that someone in power has ever abused it? Get off your nationalistic soapbox and let’s come together and…
You say that as if its the norm. Unfortunately it seems that many police departments would love to remain willfully ignorant.
You are absolutely correct, a typical person without training likely would have botched the entire thing. Good thing we have people whose job it is to keep a level head in such a situation. If you want to absolve the cop for fucking up, you must also figure out where the training failed to prepare these people and…
I don’t know the details of this particular case but if the cop who shot the person did so out of negligence, it is still on the cop. Otherwise,you are absolutely right.
Looks absolutely awesome... Except for now my face hurts from wincing every time the gun was pointed right at the car and its driver.
Transverse 3’s and 4’s arnt guaranteed to be bad. I found the VW ones to be quite easy. Neon&PT alternators can die though.
This. 1000x this. TC is the best thing ever as long as it can be turned off... 100% off when i want it off.
So much this. Mexico has almost zero passcar diesels for this reason.
In the last 6 months, I have spent almost 2 in Mexico setting up machines for automotive production. The project i was just assigned is more of the same.
I say give him a job.
Short answer: Yes
Those who advocate for labor & environmental laws without also advocating for higher tariffs on products from countries without them have no moral high ground to stand on.
Not to mention that it adds contrast. Some br0 in an E36 going by scraping makes me appreciate the wonders of a wonderfully executed car like an Alpina that much more.