Pizza-gate is now a strawman for slavery? That line just keeps getting more blurry every day.
Pizza-gate is now a strawman for slavery? That line just keeps getting more blurry every day.
How dare he call out Serena Williams? Its not like she would ever do anything like scream and threaten to kill a linesman... Whats that? She did just that? Oh.
Logic and reasoning have no place here. Don’t get me wrong, you are all correct, but you are still going to get killed here. The narrative is that that kid is a hero, end of story.
After all of the lawsuits, the Spartans are going to be playing their football games on a high school field.
This stories headline if he Had done an interview:
“When Goodell and his entire group left, a group of us converged on the big conference room in which they had been served a catered lunch. We found it piled high with uneaten food and grabbed it, like scavengers.”
“to work at NFL Media is to be reminded, constantly and in ways great and small, that you meant nothing to the people in charge.”
I mean this is approaching “I am going to vacation in North Korea” levels of stupidity.
We ‘bleat’ about it because it is all over the place. Example - this.
Every sentence was completely idiotic. You can see Abe did the exact same thing as Trump seconds before. This article just goes to show how insane the media has gotten.
I know that there is the running Gawker Media mandate to attack all things Trump, but isn’t this a little bit overdone? Punk/Grunge/Hair Color/Teen girl angst. If this was about Chelsea Clinton you would be writing it with an “Aww look how cute and awkward she was awww” bend to the story.
Umm I think you are really making a bit too much out of this?
I too am a boat person and was going to make that joke, but problem is its simply not true. I grew up in an area that could easily be referred to as “Horse Country” and there is Nooooo competition. Have you ever seen Dressage?
you say the NRA is one of the most powerful lobbying organizations in the country, but what makes them so “powerful”? Its not the money that they spend, go do a tiny bit of research and you will see that they are no where close to the top donors in amount of money given to politicians.
hahaha, love seeing all the liberal butthurt over this, but when Schilling does something on the other end of the political spectrum its pitchforks and bonfires. Quite frankly I think ESPN is just trying too hard to try and show that they haven’t become the liberal cesspool that they in fact have become. Its funny…
Given that 50% of the American public pays less than 3% in Federal wage taxes, there definitely is inequality going on.
“welcoming to fans of all political stripes and persuasions.”
If i have learned anything in the last 10 years its that you are racist for not liking Charles Barkley.
“At its most basic, the job of White House reporters is to hold the most powerful people in the United States accountable, ask the tough questions, and get answers for the rest of us.”
umm so i know this won’t be popular here, but this doesn’t in any way show that Trump didn’t want to be President.