
this is awesome. the best part of this is that it is sooooo obvious that liberalism is going to devolve into essentially identity politics tribal warfare and have literally zero chance of unifying. And its awesome that it is so obvious that it is going to happen and even more awesomer that you are bringing it on

The liberal left these days is degenerating more and more into a gif of a 1930's mafia hoodlum blindly firing a tommy-gun in all directions while cackling insanely.

I can’t wait for it to come out that the Millers are all Trump supporters and Deadspin has to backtrack and trash them somehow.

Hamilton Nolan: Props to egging women; con to them speaking their mind.

Mmmm, this is some good fake news you got cooking here. The pot gets stirred with the ‘unnamed’ source, but what really attracts the pallet is the nuclear threat. We have had nuclear weapons for over 60 years, but this agency is 17 years old. By your idiotic take we were facing nuclear apocalypse for all those years

“These things are not normal.” Here is the thing HamNo, yes this is not normal BUT THATS EXACTLY WHY PEOPLE VOTED FOR HIM. Normal to you is Hillary and Barry and every other politician who is a focused grouped, telepromtered, spineless being who has no true convictions. People want a real person (!!!real people are

Got to love your alt-left slash political porn fantasies.

ultra-liberal, snarky condescending bloggers who are named after the country’s first Secretary of the Treasury are about 100 million times more annoying than sports fans.

I love all the liberal insanity going on in the comments.

absolutely, but what you don’t understand is that the loons on Deadspin want nothing but absolute U.S. capitulation on everything.

liberal butthurt knows no bounds. Progressive ideology dominates essentially the entire media landscape, but one subreddit for the Don and it causes vapors.

It seems to me that if you don’t hold the hateful things Jeremiah Wright said (he being Obama’s Chicago Church reverend) against the president, it would be hypocritical to do the same to these people. Not everything is homogeneous.

TWO MONTHS! TWO F*CKING MONTHS! She is on the job two months and now is going to quit because of the “horror” of potentially working under the Trump Presidency. For as disgusting as this “doctor” is, its a good thing she is leaving.

Hahaha, so she must have a real dedication to her patients. Also are we really holding the freaking (let them wait) VA as some kind of paragon of government? This agency has shown that it is completely corrupt, what Trump needs to do is come in and do a clean sweep so we can set up an agency that will truly help

Wait, so by the Deadspin transitory theory of Tebow hate, shouldn’t Belicheck be the hero here? The ole, enemy of my enemy philosophy?

Its amazing that all these minimum wage workers from across the country can all afford to travel to New York City during the notoriously expensive holiday season.

Oohhh, more fantasist condescending liberal Putin/electoral college butthurt. Let me put on my slippers, sit back and drink it all in. This is going to be a FANTASTIC 8 years.

you are right, they didn’t marginalize them. If that was all they did, Hillary would have walked to the oval office, instead they turned them into monsters, into ‘deplorables’. There is nothing that people like more than to have a truly DEPLORABLE person like Hillary and her scum in the media call you irredeemable or

Counter-argument, go home, you lost.