They should send something to grab it back so they can check what's going on
They should send something to grab it back so they can check what's going on
@timobrien1: I thought of that too
@Bramsey89: In the same way, you could call photography itself as post processing, as it will always be a result of human (or computer) choices... If Raw could be considered as the digital negative, it isn't post processing yet.
@Nitesh Singh: *whistles
YES. But I'd also carry an iPod Touch along.
oh it's a search engine, like altavista and such
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: Unfortunately those sites weren't around in 2000
@jgrnt1: Actually, longer videos were always available... The short ones were free...
15-second porn clips have ruined my sexual performance.
@Badmofo: True, there is a good number of great shooters on the iPhone and this one doesn't look special at all. Last week I bought one called Ultrablast, and it's really really good. And, like many others, you can choose from 3 different control schemes.
They should do this with an original Game Boy Advance and a PSP.
@vinterchaos: It was added in After Effects
The main problem with every webcam is the lighting in our rooms. I'm not sure if this one will solve this...
Rubens Barrichello.
I was thinking of donating some old electronic stuff but... this commercial made me want them...
Haha death of the manual transmission? Move to Brazil
@Alfisted: Yeah, even her bones are smooth
Do I hear "Jet" from Paul McCartney sampled into the middle of the music?
I think I didn't get it...
Finally we're starting to make justice to the future.