Mmm that explains the funny smell
Mmm that explains the funny smell
@Geisrud: Yeah what the hell were they thinking?
I read somewhere that even current blu-rays could have several layers (about 11 or something), which would dramatically increase its capacity. I wonder how many layers this new purple-ray would be able to have, and the total data it could store..
@pixelsnader: I'm also agnostic, so I pray just in case..
@Stem_Sell: Haha this made me laugh
Please spread this chart
@jspeed04: There is no damn way.
On the scale of universe stuff, 300 times the mass of our sun doesn't sound so overwhelming.. If would be cool if it had a mass of approximatedly 12 billion Suns, but I would probably think there are stars billions of times larger than that.
Feeling sorry for young women being recognized as elderly ladies...
@AnthonyG123: I thought we all assumed 2012 references on Gizmodo we're just jokes...
@phdearthworm: Now that would be a cool discovery!!
@Drummertist: I feel tempted to continue this discussion.
@hasdrupal: Haha they were probably checking its seaworthiness...
Wanna know a sound that has always made me high?
@Future Retro: The main appeal for me is that with a sensor this size, it is possible to have a shallower depth of field. This means you can make imagens with the background out of focus, which can get you a much more sophisticated result. Something like this:
Finally I can upload videos from my cellphone without losing much quality.
@I see the light. It burns!: Did you start your last sentence with it? :D
395 photos that prove that good photographers make great photos
@MauricioHavok: Just don't mention this post to a creationist, he may claim that this is old news and was already explained metaphoricaly in the bible.