Is that a paddlin'?
Is that a paddlin'?
No more than Frank Welker.
But how's your car?
We've got six in Arizona, two of which are in cemeteries.
Yeah, but the new episodes were made in the '80s. I, at least, never saw those.…
Kinda, yeah. If you're old enough, that does it for you.
Yes and no. There are some gross weirdos on there, but surprisingly fewer than there are on the average female fitness competitor's or neo-burlesque performer's Facebook page.
Or his brother.
Exhibit A: Carter Cruise.
Don Messick did both their voices, originally.
That's like saying. "You gotta jerk it to something," and that road doesn't lead anywhere good either.
Gen-X watched the original 24 episodes (including the one good one) about a kajillion times each, so it's burned into our brains.
They're where Faith Popcorn learned everything she knows.
Uh-uh. We've seen how that fares in live action, and it's not pretty.
That just raises more questions!
Christ—I hope it's the latter, and people are just so mad they don't hold back.
I was once told that I looked like "an aging jock."
Or do. What the hell? It's only Rogen.
Aw. Poor Bill.