Gus Mueller

''Sorry I cover you in blood. You take me in sack.''

I could make myself available.

The scene with her singing about cleaning up a crime scene gave me wood.

Let's all reconsider throwing around the word ''agency''. It's the ''banksters'' of 2015.

Isn't it more likely that she's a Quebecquoise? Or however you spell it?

The eggs are already in the female child's ovaries before the female child is born, what needs to happen is to mess with the Leutinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone system. And yes, that's really a thing, LHRH. The Leutinizing Hormone tells the ovaries to let go and the LHRH tells the body to release the LH.

Your use of the diaresis is a bridge too far, hoser.

That's just ridiculous. I don't know what they do up in LOONYLAND but in the U.S. the SIZE OF A GARAGE would never be grounds for a warrant.

Did you get caught interfering with corpses?

Don't forget the total doability.

I AM ''transphobic'' but had no problem with the scene.

Sara's not technically Felix's sister. It's more of a ''step-sister's twin brother'' kind of thing.

It's almost like you're ignoring the title of the episode.

Li'l twelve year old Henry and his sister Paige are rapists?

''He's being forced to work for her, he's forced to do whatever she says. If that's not rape, what is?''