
Why is blaming everything on Millenials still a thing?

Here’s an example of intelligence having nothing to do with how much money one makes

Dunno why capitalism is to blame, that’s such an abstract notion. At the end of the day there’s real people and things which drive all of this is some complex system (which we are all a part of). While our economic philosophy has a part, it’s probably not the most relevant thing to point out.

Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.

This will fully ID me as an engineering nerd, but I love the commentary on the additional cooling capacity, and the way they designed the system. That ability to take advantage of existing coolant to further ‘super-cool’ a given fluid stream and provide additional thermal safety, without having to just add more

Metric or imperial fucktonne? 

That laser would make Ichiro proud. For how much flack Yasiel Puig gets as a showboat, an inconsistent player, and a hothead, no one in the league has an arm like him.

Um, I made a masturbation joke. This is Deadspin, after all.

At what point do we accept that this guy is who he is, which is Ted Cruz?

/reads headline

Hate to be the contrarian here, but I don’t think he controls the defense with his communication and does not tell his PGs what plays to run by seeing the flow of the game and who needs the shots nor do I think there’s a reason why he’s always atop the plus minus of his team. It’s the big things,and not screening to

Arguably more American is how they’ll be sued by Disney for violating their Iornman IP.

Look at ‘em celebrating in that photo. Shameful.

“Wah, wah, wah...”

How are the Cardinals doing this year? 

Really?! That’s your thought process? A supremely talented athlete celebrating her efforts is the same as official state business. Maybe if she opens some brown people concentration camps, you’ll be in the same neighborhood as a legitimate point.

the Double Eagle is referencing a current conflict between two nations that hate each other and is something that can induce violence. The tea thing, not so much.


How did John Mayer escape this list?

I know this is a troll article but putting both Ænima and Sargent Pepper On this list is a travesty.