
I missed the original one but heres mine

is it official?

yeah I know they didnt approve them cause my dad was waiting on one and they just cancelled his order like 8 months after it was placed

idk man, its a little fishy that they abandoned the diesel engine completely following the original report and none of the vehicles built with the engine were sold after that point

60 for an eighth, where are you buying your weed

odd for a normal coach

actually you can buy either of those in a stick

so you require an iron clad lease agreement to prevent you from acting like a dink?

if i go to a restaurant and buy a meal they cant come kick me out cause they need a seat

ive had two xdrive 3 series now but have never had a rwd one so i cant comment on the weight diff. but living in toronto where we have some heavy snow at times its really useful

the car in the picture looks like it has the m performance package parts. That would include the front splitter, rear diffuser and side skirts which come up to something like 2-3k

bmw owns my soul lol

It looks swanky though

What about it doesn’t make sense?

How is the X6 here

Bmw sold 4x as many cars as Subaru last year and I’d go out on a limb and guess more than 25% were xdrive

It’s not Bmw so idk why we should care about that

did you watch the video?

Yeah but it’s not 900 horse power of pure America

the panel gaps are more aerodynamic