
But isn't 10 games in three years actually like super, super sad? I've been with Nintendo my whole life, and out of every console generation, Nintendo is the first one I buy. You know how many games I had for the Wii that I enjoyed? 20. You know how many I had for the 360? Over 70. Now with the Wii U, my library

Got mine for Saturday 2017 at 2:30pm

Its pretty cool but for some reason I have the impression she basically just drew someone else's face on her face like a cartoon whereas this one is a little more subtle. Like if she were to turn her head slightly the whole effect would be messed up.

Thank you, and to expand: or artists to listen to, or movies to watch. Artist =/= art created by artist... I have always, and will always try to, separate all art from the artist who created it.

He just murdered the fuck out of his cape... and you're next.

I believe Franklin holds up his phone and you're given 3 choices. Not sure was order A and B are in but it literally says something like:

You can opt to not kill any of them.

Thank goodness us PC gamers didn't have to wait at all.

That never stops looking like he's farting out fireballs.

Yeah, I trust no one. A near miss right after I got it, plus all those heartbreaking broken tv youtube videos convinced me.

Three rings for the Sporty-kids, under the sky,

This was one the most original attempts of doing something new and interesting with Superman's character and design that DC tried post-Doomsday. Everything else they tried to do to make Superman's comics interesting since then, have failed which includes the New 52 Superman.

Now are you horrified at this awful redesign of Superman in general, or are you a big fan of the original Red/Blue Supes and hate the 90s appropriation of a silver age relic?

I think I've actually applied before. Time to dust up my resume. SOMEONE has to 3D model zombie Napoleon riding into battle in a rocket-powered go-kart, right?

Volition, if you're reading this, I have one idea for SR5.

Good save!

I owned both 360 and PS3, and I always felt paying for Live was ok. With features like party mode which PS3 lacked it made it worth it for me.

Wow, you can't check your trophies offline on PS4? For real? How random. I'm still a PS3 owner, but that is disconcerting, I hate anything that's online-mandatory.

I totally support your opinion. I don't agree with it, but everyone has a right to their own.

Hmmmm, I don't know. I kind of like having the free and discounted games on my PS4 and PS3 and Vita.