Actually, yes, some men can understand it. A surprising amount of dads actually suffer from postpartum depression as well:
Actually, yes, some men can understand it. A surprising amount of dads actually suffer from postpartum depression as well:
Dude, you missed the joke because you didn’t read the comment on its entirety, or your reading comprehension is extremely poor. Otherwise, you wouldn’t even need to “ask a question” because, yes, it’s fucking obvious he’s fucking kidding.
It’s called not reading a comment in its entirety before reacting. We get a lot of that on the internet.
It does well to read comments in full before reacting.
Well, as I already clarified, I’m not your standard gaming consumer. Although you may be right and people may be changing their mindset when it comes to hardware consumption related to videogames.
The 3DS got its price reducted from $250 to $170 less than 6 months after release. Switch is almost 2 years old now and still retails for its launch price, and Nintendo of Japan’s current boss very recently said they have no plans for price cuts soon.
More cables = not needed, Switch has everything you need. Don’t bother with another dock, that’s a rip off and unnecessary. Just unplug the current dock and take it with you, only make sure the power cable is easy to remove as well. An extra HDMI cable, should you need it, will be what? 2 bucks?
Nice to see someone else enjoying it! Assuming you’re playing on PC (or Switch or Xbox, seeing how crossplay should come soon), feel free to add me. My ID is gurfinki.
To me it seems like you’re resentful against Hi-Rez because they stopped making Tribes Ascend and you’re letting said resentment cloud your judgment when it comes Paladins.
Solution: play Paladins. It’s like Overwatch, but with several option to customize your character’s playstyle to your liking, along with items that you buy while in a match to give your champ further offensive or defensive capabilities. This sounds right up your alley when it comes to control, Cecilia.
Command + W on Mac does the same thing.
No, I’m aknowledging that there is a weird disparity in mindset when it comes to buying a gaming console vs buying a phone / tablet. People in general are pretty willing to spend a lot of money in one thing, but not in the other.
30 minutes and erasing thousands of years of culturally ingrained racial prejudices against anything non-Japanese.
As I explained to another commenter, the consumer’s mindset is very different when it comes to smartphones / tablets vs. gaming consoles. People think a $600 game console is way too fucking expensive despite the fact that it lasts 5-6 years before you upgrade to next gen, but many of them happily change phones and…
Of course. And they may manage it. Although I find it more likely to happen if they drop the price, or if they make a revision to make it cheaper. At its current $300 pricepoint, I don’t find it as easily manageable as it was with a $170 (or cheaper) 3DS.
Sorry, not understanding what you mean (even though I strongly feel like I should understand it). Explain, please.
That’s amazing and awesome. But I’d bet you guys are also the exception rather than the rule. In my house, I game, and my little kid game too, but we share our devices. Although I do intend to buy a new Switch for the kid down the road, I just haven’t done it yet.
You can add smartphones on top of that, while we’re at it. But the mentality of consumers when it comes to gaming consoles as opposed to smartphones and tablets is completely different. I always thought it was absurd that someone complained that a $500 game console was too expensive when many of them happily changed…
To be honest, I only spent $10 in a couple screen protectors at launch. Now, almost 2 years later, I also bought a nice stand for tabletop mode, which cost me another $10. I already had a nice tablet pouch that works perfectly for the Switch, and I haven’t felt the need to a pro controller so far, although I need to…