
I live on the southern most town on an island, and when we travel to visit towns North of us, we call it "up island" It's never occurred to me how local the saying was until I said it to some visitors and they called it quaint. I've never heard of anyone saying "down island"

That's just a broken head and the coolant is super heating instantly.

I say it all like, "tha yeir". Sean Buckley says it all like "thu yeeor"

Said on a freeway when I enter a construction zone and see the signs.

There are hundreds of timelines where the Angel of Versailles is court marshalled for shooting a soldier at boot camp.

Because if it didn't you wouldn't be able to ask that question.

It's what you are left with when Jack Nicholson is not available to hock your schlock

I get so worked up about that, I really feel like there could be some sort of spoken mantra I could say to myself to calm myself down

No Yugo?

Mother flippin SATURN.

Your four decks don't make a big market.

I don't think these guys are anything more than opportunistic thieves, using patriotism and a story of desperation to take this tank. They just want it, are are going to take it away from the public.

Another slasher film, in the woods, stupid teenagers. Nope! Best parody ever. I loved the Japanese horror glimpse and the killer unicorn.

I can't wait till they put up this headline praising the headline they put up praising the superbowl ad.

Jeep consistently wins class 17. No other competitor has even come close.

Now playing

The 1975 Chrysler Cordoba, had more thickly-cushioned luxury of seats in rich Corinthian leather, than any other car ever produced, and to this day holds the record for most seats made of rich Corinthian leather. The record will probably never be beaten.

an Isetta has only one door. and the 1937 Cadillac eight-door Yosemite bus has 8.

If a time traveler set a bomb there, would time travel have existed?

I would be proud to say I funded a movie about moon nazis. Even if it was a bomb, it still be something to say to my friends.