I’d ride around in that long before I would a Buick........
I’d ride around in that long before I would a Buick........
Since the answer is really the Model S, and you didn’t specify “new”:
I knew I could trust you on this one, Google.
“Ran When Parked”
Intergra Type-R $8,500, what do I win? Yes, it is a theft recovery, but at this point they probably all-R.
Since we’re not going to answer the question, I’m going to go with team puppy. I mean look at it. LOOK AT IT GOD DAMMIT.
Hey Chris, when EVERYBODY else is the problem, you are the problem.
Best/only sub 5k sleeper I could find on ebay:
He is not checking the gaps he’s pushing on panels to check and see if they fall off.
Such barbarism will never occur in NYCT.
I nominate this comment for COTD.
RedBull - It can also take back your wings.
To sell...jets?
You sir, are a Michelangelo among Da Vincis. Well done.
I approve.
Also that’s actually not in the garage btw.
And we should never forgot the Aston Martin Volvo key.
“Screw this, I’m going home”