

It gets worse. The next debate is scheduled for December 19, the Saturday evening before Christmas. It might as well be shown on QVC.

Having their twitter handles right below them is just the worst.

If you sat down to watch a political debate in 2015 without at least a fifth, it’s all on you my dear.

Not nearly enough on the Democratic side. DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who is in the tank for Hillary Clinton, not only kept the number of debates to a minimum but scheduled them so as to attract the smallest possible audience.

You been drinking Billy? RFS is a Russian soccer union.

Something that bothers me (and I am NOT trying to throw any theories up in the air): Were those guns and explosives that were confiscated at a border check last week meant for these seven people, or meant to be used by ADDITIONAL terrorists last night? Because it seemed like they had plenty of guns and explosives.

Disagree completely. Columbine and multiple massacres since then prove that killing civilians doesn’t require sophisticated training.

Zero tolerance has a couple definitions, Obama or Putin style?

But for a flipper, what to expect of

And you suck at forming sentences.

Tav, I love what you do, but after digging a little deeper it seems this particular example was a bit of an anomaly. Perhaps because it is in Germany. Looks like all of the others currently for sale on eBay (I did not look at other sites) all start at mid $60s and up. Still reasonable value, but whomever snatched this

If only there was some sort of “network” through which you could access the Internet in the absence of WiFi. One can only dream.

One of the first things you do in war is take away enemy communications.

Probably to prevent a panic. Imagine thousands of Parisians getting alerts that their shit is blowing up around them and suddenly you’ve got a crowd crisis. Tens of thousands pushing towards the exit, peopling getting literally crushed to death, trampled upon, families losing children. Were they safer in the stadium?

It’s not even in the neighborhood... why do we assume that this was intended to be a swastika?

Fire the President and Chancellor immediately.

Gosh dangit, kids can’t even racism correctly.