And how in the world did it take three people to write this?
And how in the world did it take three people to write this?
This would be great if it were good. But it’s stupid, so it’s not.
Hell we’re 30 years past anyone in the GOP trying to persuade anyone with a rational discussion. Gone are the days of any great thinkers. Thank you Koch Brothers. We’re closer to them being listed as a hate group in the near future.
so much this.
You were gonna tell us how how the ceremony went where your High Priestess confirmed you as a full member of her coven...
Honestly I had to deactivate my Reddit account, the sheer amount of people (on both sides, I know) who skip the articles and go straight to “nyaaah” is insufferable.
I saw a lot of these in Florida. They were usually bought by GM retirees who fled Michigan straight down Interstate 75 and once they were past Gainesville, they would beeline for the coast, take the first deal on a subdivision house they could find, and trade in whatever Chevy they came down in for a Buick. By the end…
aka Pussy Monster
He’ll be in a penthouse suite once American has been made great again(tm).
I suspect stuff like this could also be explained if they had people behind the scenes who happen to be morons and/or terrible
“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”
...would hoon in a stately fashion.
Buy a Singer...
“Hey Honey, I bet I can smuggle 200lbs of uncut cocaine into the USA”
You’d be amazed at how many Americans consider “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” to be a valid philosophy for life.
I’ll seriously never understand the sort of people that would defend this practice, or something like “rolling coal.” Do they think that they’re breathing from a different atmosphere than the “pinko enviornmentalist libtards” or something?
Not available as a wagon; CP
If “urban areas would nearly always defeat the rural,” then that’s what happens. For about half our history, most people lived in small towns, or out on the land. Now they don’t. One person-one vote.
Elon Musk has earned the right to get a mulligan on this.
I have medical conditions