gunluva plays the hopscotch on the pro circuit

Is this person aspiring to become the next Tim Buckley?

Yes. Very yes.


Same for me, but with the PS3. The exclusives just don't seem worth it, to me. But, then again, I haven't bought a 360 exclusive since Forza 4. Only reason I want a PS3 is for DC Universe, and the Blu-Ray capabilities.

It wasn't a good ending. A good ending wouldn't have gotten this much ire. A good ending wouldn't have made player after player think "I must've done something wrong". A good ending should be cohesive with the rest of the content. This wasn't. A good ending should tie up all of the loose plot threads. This didn't, and

Nnnnno it wasn't.

GKC is definitely one of the best webcomics I've ever read.

I'd rather not become that much of a cynic.

I didn't know that was a possibility, actually. I thought the last two were awesome, so I expected this one to be pretty dang spiffy, too. Especially when we were promised that the ending would give us closure, and answer all our questions. Instead, we got no closure, no answers, and fifty more questions.

Jeez, dude, sound more brainwashed, please. I couldn't sense your indoctrination clearly enough.

Can they help me buy me a laptop, then?

Oh. Good.

"Oh and in the another video it shows that now being straight is evil! Again ,quality Bileware production."

So ... even though you could potentially experience something you wind up liking a lot, you don't go through with it because stupid people like it, too? That seems kind of silly. And by silly, I mean dumb. Every fandom has its morons.

Woe*. But wow works, too, I suppose.

Aw, peas. I haven't read Glasslands. Retcons are magic.


arachn1dsGrip is my tag.

I come out of hiding to agree with this post. And vote for Fanboys.