
You know, if the Founding Fathers had thought out the consequences of the Second Amendment, then Alexander Hamilton might still be alive today.

Fuck the NRA and the leash they have on republicans in congress. This shit CAN be prevented, but we can’t even pass a law restricting people on the No Fly list from getting fucking guns. Just, fuck it all.


Yea, but telling people off is so much easier than having to actually fix the problem!

It’s completely different. A quota, or a ceiling on admission for a particular race, is utterly distinct from affirmative action that looks at membership in a historically oppressed minority group as one of many positive factors for inclusion in the university.

I would watch this. I’ve been quietly irritated by Theranos for years so I’ve kind of enjoyed the downfall. The arrogance and brutal, willful naivete to assume you know better than MD/PhDs before you finish college, bullshitting your way into a bunch of VC via befriending white dudes near retirement, not revealing

Not if paedophilia is normalised by then. Academics are pushing for it in England and others elsewhere too. It’s possible. And abhorrent.

People need read up on justice system in UK. In every single case of any life sentences there has to be a parole hearing. He will not be let out in 25 years, he was given 250 years in prison.

Let’s go with your story.

I work in the UK court system, so yes I literally do. 22 life sentences is unprecedented in UK legal history.

I remember once thinking I wanted to do this kind of work, work with interpol. I think I would lose my goddamn mind. I don’t know how they do it, I could never live with those images in my head. I sometimes can’t undo what I read, so I can’t imagine what it must be like to see it.

Can we contrast the way his parents reacted though with the way that asshole Stanford student’s dad reacted? Originally he was given bail on the condition he stayed with his parents. A day or so after that happened he confessed to his mother that he was guilty. She called the police and basically told them to get him

I wonder if cops who work with such material receive counseling?

There is absolutely no chance he gets out in 25 years. This type of sentence is completely unprecedented, and designed by the judge so that he never breaths a free breathe.

‘life without parole’ only exists for murder in the UK and has only been issued 84 times in our history. However this man will not leave prison. No parole board will set him free, they legally couldn’t.

In a general sense, it’s abhorrent that someone could commit this crime and not automatically get life without parole. But I have a feeling that any parole board 25 years from now would take one look at the crimes and slam the “rejected” stamp on his application so hard it would break the table in half.

Far more common than who thought? Because I’m pretty sure most women are not surprised by the news that when rapists get away with one rape, they go commit more. That’s what happens when a society doesn’t take rape as seriously as it should.

That’s the worst part; his family thinks this is a cute, precocious stunt because they don’t give a shit about his POC classmates either.