Roflol Trump’s not going to be married to her when she’s old! eeeew! He’s probably auditioning for #5 already.
Roflol Trump’s not going to be married to her when she’s old! eeeew! He’s probably auditioning for #5 already.
The cat whose house I live in has no need to judge me or plan world domination. She already has a willing slave which dispenses tasty comestibles on demand. Although, possibly more mice would please her.
Smarter to wait for a PAC to do it. Republicans don’t care if someone profits off a tregedy, but democrats won’t like it.
Yeah me too, not American, lived through terrorist attacks before and since 9/11, and was still way too struck by the horror of that attack to talk about anything elese that day. I could excuse someone who wasn’t Trump having that random inappropriate thought, maybe saying to someone then immedately realising what…
There was a huge interntional incident a few years ago when the Malaysian Prime minister got terribly offended when the Australian Prime Minister said he was recalicitrant. And kept up the outrage long after a staffer must have taken him aside and defined the word for him.
Well, no one can be arguing that racists and xenophobes are not deplorble. And supporting, encouraging and giving power to such people is quite clearly racist and/or xenophobic in and of itself. So, any Trump supporter is y definition deplorable. So she should be apologetic for giving half of them a free pass.
It’s ironic that judging by her name, she herself would be in physical danger at a Trump rlly.
You Yanks have al the fun!! Bears, coyotes, alligators, snakes, spiders, rabies, plague, and a dozen other horrible diseases only found there.
No, not StEm. The money is in law, medicine and some types of engineering. You can earn extra by getting a named professorship. And of course there is no option to just move somewhere where your money will go further, because you live where you got a job, be it Berkeley or Tenneessee.
Aw, come on, if you are at Uc Berkeley, by the time you’ve been there 35 years (so, about 70), you’ll break that $100,000 mark. Bank!! And just a couple of decades at that wage (so by your 90th birthday) you’ll probably have saved enough to buy a house in the bay area!!,
Hahaha, LOLZ for days. Are you living in aGeorgette Heyer novel where only gentlemen’s sons had the leisure to pursue the sciences? Because unless $60,000 counts as ’bank’ then you’re delusional.
It’s the vocal fry, isn’t it?
No, they do make your legs look longer. Take it from someone who lived through the 80s and 90s laughing at those low cut 70s things which made your arse look a mile wide.
Seriously, could you at least oretend to be a journalist?
Percocet and hydrocodone make me feel like shit. Now, dilaudid through your IV, that is just lovely.
At my uni they always printed tons of accurate drug info in the student paper at the beginning of every year. I have never tried cocaine or speed, just based off how great the high sounded, and how low the low.
It does support the non consensual allegation. Poor woman was probably curled up unconscious and woke to find she was being raped.
It’s not that hard. Choose colours which flatter you, and are not the same colour as your skin. Choose clothes which fit you. There, you’re already 1000x better dressed than the Kardashians
Yeah, and generally they’re Americans, a country where Trump is polling at close to 50% of the national vote, while Pauline only got 3%, and only in some states (fuck you, QLD). And we had our deaths in custody royal commission 20+ years ago, while they’re only just realising there is a problem.
Yes! Me too! I literally can’t recall naything off a page of text, but add in arrows and stars and boxes and underlining and it’s preserved forever.