
No, you can play on LAN. Hosting player just clicks ‘open to LAN’ and others on your wifi can join.

I did an unpaid internship. It was part of an accredited college program, and required by the accreditation body, was quite clearly a cost and inconvenience to my ‘employer’, but they clearly had a great and thorough commitment to teaching. I learned so much there. I wish I had been allowed to become more useful at

You would not be permitted in a pool in Massachusetts. Everything you’re wearing needs to be swimsuit fabric or they will ask you to leave the water. Mostly this affects hispanic looking families.

Here’s what doesn’t make sense here. I am a raging atheist, I wear a hat, sunglasses, long sleeved ahirt and usually antowel round my waist, or a skirt at the beach. I have a friend who wears. long sun pants in addtion to shirt and hat. How exactly is our beach wear different from a burkini? Is it the neck exposure?

“And, besides, women can always just marry a rich guy and never work again”, they said, hefting their shovels.

Lap baby’s only ten percent of full adult fare, plus fees and charges. Total is probably less than a thousand.

If everyone else was trying to sleep, then this child probably was too. Not all babaies like to be sung to sleep. Many react exactly how you would if you were trying to get to sleep and I kept poking you and talking to you. And that poor parent’s arms. Thise damned children who like to be held awkwardly are hellions.

Does this mean it’s a for profit company? Really? How is that legal?

I see what you’re trying to do, but Americans are different on the cellular level f Australians, Canadians, British, Swedish, etc, etc. Juat as you are unable to function with inome based college repayments you would be unable to be cared for in a system where you just swiped a card to confirm you are a citizen and

Yes, you see them, and they have a very different anatomy, which infuences many things, such as their language.

When you are out, the pooey nappy is goig to have to go in a bin somewhere. It is basic human courtesy to tie it in a plastic bag first.

Those packing cubes are a fun idea, but a gallon ziplock is both see through, and can be used in case of emergency to hold dirty things. You can also segregate more, so there’s a parent stuff ziplock (lip balm, floss, tampons, breast pads), a snack ziplock, and when they’re older a first aid ziplock. Most of these

Well, technically, in a person with ovulation dysfunction cortisol can inhibit ovulation to some degree. But in terms of getting pregnant, the ones who go to the doctor after trying for three years and are told to have more sex are dumber than the ones who follow a few simple rules of thumb so that after six months

I swear that book is so excellent. There is a teenage version, too. I came in here expecting to have to correct half of what the author would say, but she got it right. I realised why when she name-checked Toni Weschler.

Standing pretty much upright and not making any audible noise passes surprisingly well for functioning. It’s when you have to move around that the wheels start oming off

I wouldn’t know because I lie prone for the duration. Luckily my ovaries are fucking dangrous to my health, so I have the perfect excuse to shut them down with the pill.

My thought on seeing that comment was that this is what happens when digital tchnology outstrips everything else modern and industrialised. You can assume everyone, everywhere is connected to the net these days, but not necessarily anything else. thise commenters are probably in some rural village where it’s a day’s

I find the sight and sound of other people eating revolting. Few things more disgusting to me. But do I get to campaign to shut down food courts and ban chewing gum?

Not everyone is a masochist. It’s just easier to use your boobs when they’re hurt or going to sleep.

You’d be surprised. I’ve had people give me dirty looks lots of times. Once an air hostess came up to me nirsing my tiny baby and told me to stop because the older man next tO me was uncomfortable. I looked him up and down and told her he looked like a perfectly nice man, not an asshole, and for her to stop being an