
Car thief, have a seat. #onstar

@Doomcryer: Doomcryer, here's a flameshield. It might be handy if you, the master of getting flamed, take it with you. #left4dead2

L4DoTA: Confirmed.

in b4 "It isn't really irony"

@Alfisted: Nice Crime and Punishment reference.

I love how the Spy's icon looks like he's shouting "WHY DID YOU UBER ME IDIOT!?"

Shanghai is my favorite city skyline, and it saddens me to see them destroying it here. It's always nice to see it featured on something major though (or at least... relatively major here).

This will certainly appeal to the... hardcore gamer demographic.

Theres too many cars

@MrCrash: I don't understand why they wouldn't, it's such a beautiful car, especially when put beside the current Focus.

@riceKRISPYninja: Also I think the charge is for the licensing they have to go through in order to allow the songs to be imported into the next game. Rock Band's feature cost $5 if I remember correctly, but admittedly that was about double the number of songs.

@twinturbo2: People raved about the previous NFS games quite a bit, too, and look how those turned out. I must say though I am optimistic for this one. (Again, same reaction to the last 2...)

@ssrock64: This is what I thought too.

@twinturbo2: Have you noticed a common thread between most great game developers? Very long development times and extreme delays. Take Valve, Blizzard, Bethesda Softworks or in this case Polyphony Digital. Give them time and let them work their magic. This results in truly amazing games.

@ithyphallus, lazy beareaucrat: I don't own one, but I've tried it. It's not as organized or snappy, it just feels really messy and annoying to use. The 360 seems to have weird issues with signing in and having to sign into the right account with the right controller and stuff. My friend would have to reboot the

@ploopsy: I have personal experience with such people. My parents.

@soulfinger: That's probably out of all internet users and all browsers. i meant out of all IE users. Even then it might've been for a specific website with lots of corporate traffic.

The headlight kinda reminds me of the Volt's headlight for some reason.

I read somewhere that a good 50% of IE users are still on 6, especially at businesses where it's troublesome to upgrade the browsers. That's a lotta donated money! They should get to it.